Why do you love karting?

I love the speed and love overtaking. I have made lots of friends and love visiting new tracks.

Have you made any sacrifices?

I make a sacrifice every time I go in my kart. I have scoliosis so im uncomfortable in my kart because of my curve in my spine but I love karting so I put up with the pain.

What are your best moments?

I was racing at Hooton and ended up in a crash which dropped me down from 1st to 5th. I was about 7 seconds behind 1st place but managed to battle through and went on to still win.

What are your worst moments?

When I was in cadets I was battling for the championship and in the second to last round I ended up spinning out and lost a lot of positions. I battled as hard as I could but lost too many points to win the championship.

Do you have an interesting backstory?

In 2021 I entered 3 championships and won all 3. I won 2 ‘O’ plates in 2021 and set 3 lap records.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I am a very good swimmer and I actually gave up swimming to do karting.