Why do you love karting?

I love the feel of speed and watching Lando Norris on tv. Hopefully I could be like him one day. Love making new friends and my parents let me play out late. I also wanted to follow my big sisters footsteps.

Have you made any sacrifices?

I can’t get and practice as much as I would like as sometimes I have to take it in turns with my sister as it is expensive. Sometimes I end up racing a new track with no practice at all. I miss some of my friends birthday party’s and have to take my homework to the track as I don’t want to fall behind at school.

What are your best moments?

Coming from 13th to finish first at Teesside and then the commentators said it was the best performance they had ever seen. Then the following month doing the same double overtake move overtaking six drivers on one lap.

What are your worst moments?

I was submitted to extreme bullying from adults and teenagers at certain racetracks. My success from racing on a budget wasn’t accepted by some parents. I was sworn at and called a cheat other threats were made. I wanted to quit at one point. This caused a National campaign which drivers showed there respect for me by racing with my #38. Since this event multiple tracks all worked together and put an end to it. Since that day we haven’t seen any abuse towards children or in front of children by adults at any track. We feel this has helped others.

Do you have an interesting backstory (hardship/struggles/amazing achievements)

I’m from a family of four children so we have always struggled financially. With two of us racing. My sister came up with an idea to help fund racing by recycling kart tyres and engine parts into clocks trophies and even house numbers. I now help my sister with her business by cleaning old engine parts, tyres and have been learning how to weld so we can help fund our own racing. She has a Facebook page retyred by Catherine. She isn’t actually racing the event but she is coming to help me at CKC. My amazing achievements are winning bambino championship Teesside, and Rowrah Honda Cadet and coming second in Teesside championship. I also put in pole on the biggest ever grid at Teesside and currently hold the lap record in cadet at Teesside. Recently I’m now helping to coach a new cadet who is also my friend. Knocking 3 seconds off my fastest lap made me almost as happy as wining a race myself.

Do you have any hidden talents?

My hidden talent is exceeding at maths and English at school. I drive my Dads car off road with gears and I am also quite good at XBOX